Monday, December 7, 2009


It's been such an interesting few months for me. I've been soaking everything in and learning, and being. And I am just really very happy right now. I've come to a lot of realizations and I guess if you would look at me just today from a few days ago, or a week ago, I am pretty different. I don't mean, I dyed my hair or anything, I mean if you observed how I act, etc. I have been building relationships here in Indy that I will cherish forever.

I love knowing that I am being accepted as who I really am, rather than false situations and false happinesses. (happinesses? I don't know. I'm gonna keep it anyway.) So, basically, I see beauty every day, everywhere. From when I wake up in the morning to when I go to sleep at night. and everything in between. I just look around and think, "I am so grateful for everything in my life right now, I could not ask for any more at all, and I just love everything." Isn't that great?

Yeah, especially with it being winter! I love.

I wish I could put this feeling into words better, but basically, I'm just really content. and appreciative.

my heart is......full.

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